What is Dustin Johnson's salary with Liv Golf?
If you're curious about Dustin Johnson's earnings from his endorsement deal with Liv Golf , you've come to the right spot. This page details Dustin's unreported signing bonus with LIV, prize money from LIV events, and more. You may also examine Dustin's net worth. Johnson's undisclosed LIV Golf signing bonus is a surprise, but this kind of financial activity in the golf business is not. LIV The government of Saudi Arabia and its investment arm financially support an international golf league. The Saudi regime recently murdered Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist for the Washington Post, and is causing misery to innocent Yemeni civilians. As a result, Saudi Arabia employs international sports to conceal its filthy deeds. The total prize pool for all eight tournaments in the LIV Golf league is $255 million. Each of the first seven regular-season tournaments will get $25 million in prize money. Each event's top three finishers will get an additional $30 million in bo...